New Music Channel (NMC) was my first corporate venture – and
I jumped straight into the American broadcast industry.
I jumped straight into the American broadcast industry.
In short, I founded, developed, produced and fully financed a 24hr television network made available via satellite to DirecTV's network of over 22 million households throughout the USA and Puerto Rico.
all NMC graphics created by: Faked Potatoes
NMC was my attempt at levelling the playing field for musicians across North America. After spending over a year hustling as an independent musician, and realizing how the industry challenged up-and-coming talent, I put my efforts into creating a platform that would make a difference. New Music Channel was born. Check out some of the media I created to help pitch and finance the network, below.
New Music Channel (sample)
New Music TV (explainer video)
New Music Channel Pilot (originally New Music TV)
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